Friday, March 13, 2009

Movie Night

Tonight me and some friends went to the movies in Jasper. We have been talking about going pretty much all week but no one seemed to really plan anything ha so Lindsey and I made plans. Her mom took a van full and as well as mine did. ha In my van was me, Tya, Cassidy, Haley, Kayti, Josh Lottes, and Katelyn. In the other van was Rachel, Katrina, Lindsey, Landon, Jonny, Courtney, and Megan. In our grade we have a really big group of girls. We are all such good friends. =] It's really hard sometimes to try to think of something that we can all do together, but our mothers seem to always understand when we need rides cause now of us have our license. =[ but hey, my birthday is coming up! March 17th. I get to share my birthday with my best friend Haley. ha We plan on going shopping and skating with friends. Can't wait! ha Anywho..after the movie we went to Mc Donalds! Yummy stuff. ha When my mom was taking Tya home we stopped and took a picture with this sign close to her house. haha Everytime I pass it I always say, "Some day we need to take a picture with that sign." The signs says, "Please drive slowly we <3 our children">


  1. hey cuz !! this is Brooke ! LOVE your blog. I am excited now I have another blog to read !! I read your mom's ALL the time ! We have a blog too. It is a great way for us to see how everyone in Indiana is doing. well see ya on the 20th (we are comin 2 visit) !


  2. hey Brooke! awe i miss you sooo much!! ha I cant wait to see you guys!! Tell Ethan I said Happy Birthday!! =] love you bunches
